Donnerstag, 21. Januar 2010


"Fine a gentleman" is the description in the Journal des Luxus und der Moden for this fashionprint.

This is what Monsieur and I are currently working on,
the clothes are almost finished, no we are searching for the brooch and let have made the boots.


Montag, 18. Januar 2010

More Renaissance-Stuff

After a long pause I now can show you what I have made these last weeks. The castle which ordered the female renaissance-costume did also order a male one. It should portrait the court-composer Erasmus Widmann

My tailyor's dummy isn't quite the right size, but I think the pictures give an idea how it will look when worn.

The shoes were made by Kevin Garlick:

Upcycling mal anders oder aus zwei mach eins

The marriage of two dresses Im November 2015 waren wir eingeladen zu einer herrlichen Veranstaltung in einem wirklich grandiosen Gebäude...